Friday, October 18, 2019

UAE AND GCC SOCIETY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

UAE AND GCC SOCIETY - Essay Example Government of several countries is developing various environmental policies in order to reduce the threat of global warming through the reduction of carbon emission level. Moreover, the governments are motivating the organizations to conduct sustainable business practices. Gulf countries are trying to introduce non-carbon energy sources in order to control the level of carbon emission. The study will focus on the alternative energy sources of oil and sustainable development of Gulf countries in future. Discussion GCC countries are the incremental suppliers of oil and gas for entire globe. First of all, day-by-day the price of oil and gas are increasing dramatically. Secondly, higher consumption of fossil fuels is increasing the level of carbon emission. Therefore, government of all the developed and developing countries is motivating industries and communities to reduce the consumption of oil and gas. Moreover, people are trying to use substitute of oil and gas as their energy resou rces. These substitutes are solar energy, wind energy and electric energy. Looking into these factors, GCC countries are trying to develop several environmental policies to reduce the consumption of oil and gas. ... Rapid energy demand growth can be attributed to three several affiliated causes. Due to several demographic changes, industrialization and low price level are motivating people to consume electricity as major energy resources. The GCC countries are manufacturing and distribution oil as the form of a cartel the name of this cartel is OPEC. They are maintaining the price of oil in global countries. Moreover, due to total control over oil and gas, OPEC is increasing the price of oil and gas on regular basis. In addition, burning of fossil fuel is increasing the level of carbon emission that is resulting rapid global climate change. Looking into these factors, several organizations and industries within all the GCC countries are trying to reduce the consumption of oil and gas. They are trying to implement substitute energy resources of oil and gas in their business process. Demand for solar energy and electrical energy is significantly increasing in UAE. It is true that, people now-a-day s are trying to avoid the consumption of fossil fuel cars. Petrol or diesel vehicles are more costly comparing to other substitute vehicles. Leading organizations around the globe are trying to capitalize on the opportunities that have been developed due to globalization and advanced technologies. Several vehicle manufacturing organizations are trying to provide energy efficient cars and electric cars to reduce the consumption of oil and gas. These organizations are making profit through this strategy and this strategy is bringing sustainability in the economy, environment and society of a country. Wind, solar and water energy are considered as the renewable energy sources. Economic growth of a country highly depends on the

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