Friday, October 18, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14

Discussion - Essay Example Thankfully, we live in the United States, where this battle has been fought, and has gained  a substantial amount of ground. Womens rights in the US are equal mostly, with the exception of salary differences between men and women. Unfortunately, in other parts of the world, women are still treated as less superior and some are not even allowed to work. Sadly, this will be a battle I believe will never go away. Yes, you are right. Women’s rights are a critical issue in our society today. Many people do not seem to even consider them because they may think that it is so old fashioned, but I am pleased to see that this issue is important to you. You are also right when you say that even people who aren’t feminists need to get behind and supports these issues because this is simply a matter of self-respect, nothing more. Compared with much of the world, the United States treats women equally and fairly. That doesn’t mean that you should not accept any unfair discrimination against women in the United States because it does still happen occasionally. One example you mentioned was the differences in salary. This is true because the research does show that there is a gender gap in terms of salary. For you own information, this is commonly known as the glass ceiling. There have been many activists who have fought over the years to try to get this barrier removed so women can be treated equally in the workplace, but it is yet to happen for reasons that are still contentious. Many other countries do not afford the same freedoms to their women. You only have to look at most Islamic countries and see that women are inferior to men. These women are banned from doing activities that we take for granted. Finally, you are spot on when you comment that this is a battle that will never go away because there will almost always be resistance to women’s rights from some men. When I was thinking about and researching human rights, I

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