Monday, September 9, 2019

International relation theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International relation theory - Essay Example While neo-realist theory contends the effect of state principles and capabilities for the international system, neo-liberalist theory emphasizes on a wider view of the international politics, focusing on the plurality of state actions including the economic and cultural aspects. Taking these two schools of thought for discussion, we bring out an analysis of which theoretical perspective provides the most plausible account of international politics, with particular reference to the films, Independence Day, and Lord of the Flies. The article examines how the international theories appear to be true on the movie and analyze whether the theory is portrayed in the film as normal or deviant from the world in it. According to Neo-realism, the international political structure is defined by the principle of anarchy, mentioning that there is no central authority of governance for the international system. Kenneth Waltz, regarded as the founder of Neo-realism, argues that, unlike the tradition al realism, the conduct of the states is determined by this structure of the international system. The states are inclined to be formally equal in the system and they act without subordinating to each other. The needs and abilities of a state determine their capabilities and power on the international system. ... Anarchy and self-preservation alone are not sufficient to explain the war of all against all† (Pechlivanis 2012). The international relation is shaped by the balance of power among the states, which is attained by the states’ abilities to constrain to the relative powers for relative gains, through internal and external balancing. The great powers within the international system could be classified as the unipolar, bipolar and multipolar systems, owing to the number of powers contained in the system. According to neorealist, bipolar system would be a stable one as it is balanced through internal balancing alone, eliminating the need for external balancing. This is because there is no greater power to be formed from alliances and therefore lesser chance for great wars. On the other hand, Neoliberalism tends to view the international system from a wider perspective, demanding for a stronger state that promotes its interests. Unlike the neo-realism that views the state as a single entity, neo-liberalism includes plurality of its affairs. It focuses on security, integration of states and conflicting nature of the international politics in respect to the political economy and cooperation between the states. Neo-liberalism insists that states should have the goal of absolute gains rather than concerning about the relative gains for establishing power. The collaboration among the competitive states can be achieved in an anarchic international system with a rational decision and preferences of the states. Neo-liberalism contends that international institutions can successfully pave a way for the states to cooperate in the international system. â€Å"Institutions exert a causal force on international relations, shaping state preferences and locking

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