Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Communism in the USSR Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Communism in the USSR - Research Paper Example Communism is a way of a government that is totalitarian in nature, which rulers are dictators and have no respect for their subjects. In the USSR, communism started off in the 19th century due to the harsh conditions of life that were witnessed during that period, which made people agitate for a technique that would restore equality in the society. The concept of communism is founded on the ideology of Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx from their numerous scholarly ideas that were widespread at this time. These ideas were embraced by people in the Soviet Union society in a bid to regain equality in a society that was experiencing numerous hardships present during the tsarist rule. It was believed that communism was the solution to the problems society was experiencing and thus it would create a new society with social and political equality of every individual (Courteous and Kramer, 2004). Communism is centered on the principle that people need one another in order for the society to achieve meaningful progress both socially and economically. The idea is based on the belief that, a society where people work equally, is bound to achieve greater success as opposed to a society where people are grouped according to social classes. However, despite there being equality among people, the social distinction that results from some people having more wealth than others arises because individuals leverage from their talents. In a communist society, the government is not supposed to interfere with the rights of persons and its influence on the general economy of the state should be limited. Moreover, in communism societies, governments collectively own property and no person is supposed to start any enterprise because governments run business monopolies in all sectors of the economy. Therefore, the state provides basic amenities to its people including decent education and heal th care services.

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